Partner With Us
Become an HDS Covenant Partner
Your one-time and monthly contribution will dig wells, support orphanages, create educational programs, provide scholarships, and so much more. HDSM has partnered with Jabula’s Utopia, Brotherhood Oath, and Excel Village, the Redemptive Justice Practice as a philanthropic ambassador, the Battle Creek Hoopsters, and the Kingdom Builder Worldwide Youth program, to help champion their causes and increase their charitable contributions. Your contribution to any of our partnership charities or nonprofits below will bring change! Choose to give today and make a difference.
We support these nonprofits:
Brotherhood Oath Mentoring Services
Brotherhood Oath Mission
Understanding the significance of men in society, BrotherHood Oath Mentoring Services (BHO) pledges to provide the necessary life skills and support to boys and young men throughout the Metropolitan Detroit Area. BHO fosters learning and intellectual excellence by working with professionals, educators, and innovators to create a safe, fulfilling, and academically enriching environment, aimed at producing men who contribute to their community in a positive manner.
Excel Village
Excel Village Mission
Excel Village’s mission is to be an organization that connects education, business and communities together to inspire and prepare youth to be successful through career planning, life skills, mentoring, and scholarship programs.
Redemptive Justice Practice
Redemptive Justice Practice Vision
The Redemptive Justice Practice rescues individuals, families, and communities from spiritual, emotional and physical injury caused by trauma.
Utopia Mission
Utopia is the global missions program of Jabula New Life International. It provides economic development and humanitarian assistance to people whose social, geographic, and economic infrastructure disables them from gaining access to basic life necessities. The 2020-2021 humanitarian efforts are concentrated in India, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.